Tools/Materials Needed:
- Foam Core
- Plexiglass
- 3D Printer and filament
- Webcam
- Arduino Nano
- USB Hub
- LEDs
- Buttons
- Build a box with an open top out of foamcore. Cover top with frosted plexiglass
- Place the webcam, arduino, and USB hub at the base of the box
- Wire buttons and LEDs to the arduino, connect everything to the USB hub, and connect to the PC
- Download Firefly, HumanUI, and Xylinus for grasshopper, and Reactivision software, and markers
- Print the makers on paper, and 3D print the modules. Tape the markers to the underside.
- Run the Reactivision software, and make sure it registers the markers on top of the box.
- Set up Repetier Server for your 3D printer, and enter its information (name, API, etc) in the grasshopper script.